Beautifully written, Wayne! As a parent, I can’t imagine the range of emotions. Congratulations to you and your family.

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Thanks, Kevin. I appreciate it. Words pretty much come up short in describing said emotion. But I tried.:)

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This is absolutely brilliant. Wow. Congrats to Sam & your entire family :)

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Thanks very much for reading and taking the time to write.

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Well done Wayne! On so many levels!

Much love from all of us

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Congratulations to all of you! Dedication and a magical result ... wonderful! An exciting ride for the rest of us too. What an ending to experience from afar!

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Amazing!!! I remember the days that Samantha, a fearless girl, would school the boys on the soccer pitch. So proud!

- Golden Touch, Boys 99 Manager xo

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Just beautiful!!!!! Love your entire family!!!!

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I watched every minute, and ached for Sam when she had to sit out against Japan. I’m so happy for her, and for you all. We are parents of an elite athlete of a different sort; I know this territory all too well. I did NOT know about the Marta interview….talk about coming full circle. Thank you for recording this so beautifully. Best to Sam and Sean (I never met Alexandra, but how cool that she is a sports journalist!)!

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What a beautiful piece of writing. Congrats to you both on clearly being such successful parents and helping to guide such talented kids.

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First: that yellow WAS ridiculous!!

Second: the pictures of the three of them hugging and crying was just so beautiful!!

Finally: you and Denise deserve congratulations for raising three absolutely wonderful young adults.

Also: I’ve been looking forward to reading the piece I knew was coming. Thank you for sharing all of it Wayne! Just wonderful.

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What an amazing experience for your whole family, Wayne. Thanks for sharing it.

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I can’t stop the tears - beautifully written tribute to Sam’s dedication to brilliance and her family’s loving support through it all. Well done, Mom and Dad!

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